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New figures highlight planning barrier to housing

As the number of new homes being built in Scotland remains 40 per cent below pre-recession levels, compounding the country’s housing crisis, the latest Scottish Government statistics on planning performance show the time taken to decide major housing developments for Q1 2015/16 has increased to its slowest yet at over 64 weeks.

This is four times the statutory period of 16 weeks and, compared to the same quarter last year, represents an increase of over 80 per cent whilst the number of applications determined actually fell by 40 per cent.

Describing the figures as “disappointing on a number of fronts”, Nicola Barclay, Director of Planning at trade body Homes for Scotland, (right) said:

“Even when the four abnormally lengthy decisions referred to are stripped out, the median is still 37.6 weeks – two weeks longer than the same time period last year.  Frustratingly, there is no information on the actual decision so we cannot tell how many of these applications are being taken forward.

“My main concern, however, is around the use of processing agreements, the whole point of which is for all parties to agree upfront to a realistic and achievable timescale.  Of the nine major and seven local applications using such agreements, only half met the agreed programme.  This is extremely worrying and must improve if partnership working is to be encouraged and supported going forward.

“Whilst the statistics for smaller developments are better, it is glaringly obvious that the system needs to gear up significantly if Scotland is to provide enough homes to meet the diverse housing needs of its growing population.  This demonstrates the scale of challenge facing the independent panel tasked with undertaking the current ‘root and branch’ review of the planning system.”


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