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Consultation & policy responses

The following are recent / significant policy responses:

Response to the Scottish Government's Just Transition Commission Call for Evidence 
Published 30 June 2020

Response to the Scottish Government Advisory Group on Economic Recovery Call for Views
Published 31 May 2020

Response to the Finance and Constitution Committee call for views on the impact of COVID-19 on public finances and the Fiscal Framework
Published 21 May 2020

Response to the Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee call for views on the impact of COVID-19
Published 14 May 2020

Response to the Scottish Labour Policy Forum Consultation on Communities 
Published 1 April 2020

Response to the Scottish Government consultation on Improving Energy Efficiency in Owner Occupied Homes
Published 1 April 2020

Response to the Scottish Government Consultation on Housing to 2040 
Published 28 February 2020 

Response to the Scottish Government Replacement of EU Structural Funds in Scotland Post EU-Exit 
Published 12 February 2020 

Response to the Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee call for views on the Consumer Scotland Bill
Published 11 September 2019

Response to the Scottish Labour Policy Forum First Stage Consultation on Communities 
Published 23 August 2019

Response to the Local Government and Communities Committee call for views on the Long Term Financial Sustainability of Local Government 
Published 22 August 2019

Response to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government call for views on Redress for Purchasers of New Homes and the New Homes Ombudsman 
Published 22 August 2019

Response to the Proposed New Home (Buyer Protection) (Scotland) Bill
Published 27 June 2019 

Response to the Scottish Government Devolved Tax Policy Framework 
Published 6 June 2019 

Response to the Infrastructure Commission for Scotland initial call for evidence 
Published 4 May 2019 

Response to the Economy, Energy and Fair Work call for evidence on the Scottish National Investment Bank
Published 4 May 2019 

Response to the Economy, Energy and Fair Work inquiry on Construction and Scotland's Economy
Published 13 February 2019

Response to the Finance and Constitution Committee Call for Evidence - LBTT (Tax Rates and Tax Bands Etc.) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2018
Published 10 January 2019

Response to the Scottish Government Discussion Paper: Housing Beyond 2021
Published 4 December 2018

Response to Scottish Parliament's Local Government and Communities Committee Call for Views on the Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill
Published 8 November 2018

Response to the Scottish Government Consultation on Building Standards Compliance and Fire Safety
Published 26 September 2018

Response to the Building Standards Division Review of Energy Standards 'Call for Evidence'
Published 14 September 2018

Response to the Scottish National Investment Bank Consultation
Published 31 October 2018

Response to Consumer Scotland Consultation
Published 27 September 2018

Response to Barclay Implementation on non-domestic rate
Published 14 September 2018

Response to Scottish Government Draft Budget on Skills
Published 7 September 2018

Response to SPEN Incentive on Connections Engagement (ICE) Consultation
Published 21 May 2018

Response to Social Housing (Automatic Fire Suppression Systems) (Scotland) Bill
Published 16 April 2018

Response to UK Housing Ombudsman Consultation
Published 16 April 2018

Response to Scotland's Energy Efficiency Programme: Second Consultation on LHEES and Regulation of District and Communal Heating
Published 20 February 2018

Evidence to the Economy, Jobs & Fair Work Committee on Scotland’s Economic Performance
Published 09 November 2017

Response to the Climate Change Bill Consultation
Published 25 September 2017

Response to the Scottish Law Commission on Deeds of Condition
Published 27 July 2017

Response to the Scottish Government’s Consultation on the Funding of the Scottish Energy Performance Certificate Register
Published 19 June 2017

Response to Scotland's Energy Efficiency Programme Consultation
Published 30 May 2017

Response to A Scottish Energy Strategy:  The Future of Energy in Scotland
Published 30 May 2017

Response to Scottish Government's Consultation on Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategies, and Regulation of District Heating
Published 18 April 2017

Response to UK Government’s Review of The Industrial Training Boards
Published 23 March 2017

Evidence to the Local Government and Communities Committee on Building Regulations in Scotland
Published 28 February 2017

Supplementary Evidence to the Local Government and Communities Committee on the draft Climate Change Plan
Published February 2017

Evidence to the Local Government and Communities Committee on the draft Climate Change Plan
Published 26 January 2017

Response to the Scottish Government’s Consultation on Building Warrant Fees
Published 09 January 2017

Response to the Scottish Government's Consultation on the Apprenticeship Levy
Published 26 August 2016

Response to the Scottish Parliament Finance Committee Call for Evidence on LBTT
Published 26 August 2016

Response to Consumer Code for Home Builders consultation
Published 08 April 2016     

Written submission to Scottish Parliament Finance Committee on Land & Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) Additional Homes Proposal
Published 01 February 2016

Written submission to Scottish Parliament Infrastructure & Capital Investment Committee on Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Bill
Published 20 November 2015

Evidence to Scottish Parliament Finance Committee on LBTT 

Evidence to The Commission on Local Tax Reform

Response to the Smith Commission
Published 05 November 2014

Evidence to Scottish Parliament Finance Committee on Land & Buildings Transaction Tax Bands & Rates
Published 24 October 2014 

Response to Sub-Sale Development Relief 
Published 04 September 2014

Response to Scottish Government Decarbonising Heat: Heat Generation Policy statement
Published 06 June 2014

Response to Proposed Changes to Construction (Design & Management) Regulations
Published June 2014

Response to Scottish Government Home Report Consultation 

Response to Law Society of Scotland's Consultation on Separate Representation
Published 24 July 2013

Response to Review of the Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004:  Technical Handbooks - Section 6:  Energy
Published 12 April 2013

Written Evidence on Stamp Duty Land Tax for Finance Committee
Published 07 January 2013

Response to "Homes that Don't Cost the Earth" Consultation
Published 28 September 2012


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