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Building enough Homes for Scotland

With new research confirming the importance of the home building industry to Scotland's social wellbeing and economic success, Homes for Scotland is calling for a return to pre-recession levels of building by the end of the next Scottish Parliament in order to help ensure we have enough homes of the right types in the right locations to meet the diverse needs and aspirations of our growing population.

The benefits are clear and wide-ranging, from jobs and the economy to improving health and education outcomes and fighting fuel poverty.

Click below to read our independent research and find out from our manifesto what we believe needs to be done to increase the supply of homes of ALL tenures.

 Homes for Scotland Manifesto

Summary Infographic
The Economic and Social Benefits of Home Building in Scotland

         Full Report
The Economic and Social Benefits of Home Building in Scotland

Why we need an ALL-tenure approach:  click here to read more.


How you can help:

  • follow us at @H_F_S and retweet our messages using #buildingenough
  • tweet your own messages of support including #buildingenough 
  • click here to print off one of our pledge boards, take pictures and then share on social media

  • ask your elected representatives to demonstrate their commitment to ensuring their constituencies have enough homes by supporting the campaign

Play your part and become a member today

Help us deliver the new homes that Scotland needs