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Housing debate focus on affordable housing paints incomplete picture of need and aspiration, say home builders

A continuing focus on publicly subsidised affordable housing in today’s housing debate in the Scottish Parliament painted an incomplete picture of the country’s housing requirements, according to the home building industry.

Philip Hogg, Chief Executive of trade body Homes for Scotland (right), said:

“In order to make our country a better place in which to live, work and invest, it’s essential that we have enough homes of all tenures in order to meet the diverse housing needs and aspirations of our growing population.  This is fundamental to achieving the fairer society we all want to see. 

“But today’s debate in what was a near empty chamber highlights a continuing focus on publicly subsidised affordable housing.  This paints just one part of the picture.  What about the majority of Scots who still want to own their own home or those who want the flexibility of renting in the private sector?

“The fact is that the total number of new homes being built remains 40 per cent down on 2007 levels, exacerbating the housing pressures which particularly affect our young people and growing families.  

“Providing more affordable housing is obviously a key part of addressing the overall chronic undersupply of homes.  This can only be achieved through an all-tenure approach but it seems there is a lack of political understanding with regards to this.  If private sector construction was properly facilitated and increased, then affordable housing would similarly be boosted given the major direct contribution our industry makes in this area – estimated to be over £46m last year.  

“This is why we are calling on the next Scottish Government to manage a return to at least pre-recession levels of building by the end of the next parliamentary term.  This would mean at least 100,000 new homes based on an annual average growth rate of ten per cent.  We believe this is an ambitious but achievable target and have set out in our manifesto the action which needs to be taken to make it happen.”  

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