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Election reaction

With the SNP returning to Government for a second term, home building industry body Homes for Scotland said it looked forward to continuing to work in partnership with the new Cabinet as it sought to address the country’s housing crisis - and to literally build on the momentum which had already been generated over the last four years.

Chief Executive Jonathan Fair said:

"In the run up to the election, we challenged the next Scottish Government, whatever its colour, to support the building of as many as 46,000 new homes over the lifetime of the next Parliament. This would create up to 38,000 new jobs and 1,100 apprenticeships whilst simultaneously tackling climate change. This is the massive prize available if the appropriate action is taken to facilitate a 10% annual increase in private sector house building.

“Most important is the need to fix the broken housing ladder. At a special hustings event held during the election campaign, there was complete consensus from all the main parties that getting First Time Buyers back into the market was crucial to recovery in our sector. The key to this is increasing the flow of bank lending both to potential home owners and home builders.

“A pivotal move in this direction would be the promised introduction of a Mortgage Indemnity Guarantee scheme for new build properties. We believe that this would kick-start the development of new mortgage products and attract external investment at very little cost to the public purse.”


Enquiries to:

Jennifer Kennedy, Homes for Scotland – 0131 455 8350 / 07763 240694

Notes to Editors:
Homes for Scotland represents the country’s home building industry which, during the lifetime of the next Scottish Parliament, could:

- support the building of 46,000 much needed private new homes
- improve housing access by increasing the range and choice of housing options across all tenures
- stimulate the economy by creating 38,000 new jobs and more than 1,100 new apprenticeships
- tackle climate change by reducing carbon emissions in existing homes at no public expense whilst at the same time impacting fuel poverty

Yet, as a result of the economic downturn, housing supply is now touching all time lows. This is having far-reaching and long-term social and economic consequences for Scotland's population.

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